President’s Circle Honor Roll
President’s Circle Giving Levels
Bronze: $1,000-$1,779
1780: $1,780-$2,499
Silver: $2,500-$4,999
Gold: $5,000-$9,999
Platinum: $10,000-$24,999
Founder’s Circle: $25,000 or more
Young Alumni Levels
Classes of 2021‑2024: $100 or more
Classes of 2017‑2020: $300 or more
Classes of 2015‑2016: $500 or more
Classes of 2009‑2014: $1,000 or more
Transylvania offers our deepest gratitude to the following individuals who contributed at the President’s Circle** level between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
These supporters enable Transylvania’s annual campus progress and educational excellence. The programs, student and faculty initiatives, scholarships and other vital campus opportunities that President’s Circle donors initiate move the university forward every year.
For questions about the President’s Circle listing or ways to support current Pioneers, please contact the development/philanthropy team at giving@transy.edu or call 859-233-8275.
**President’s Circle listings reflect total cash donations within that time frame to all campus areas. They do not include pledges outstanding.
President’s Circle Donations from Individuals
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
Founder’s Circle
Jan Allinder Anestis ’67 and Bob Anestis
Bill Arvin ’61 and Anne Arvin
Glen Bagby ’66 and Terri Bagby
Susan Hobbs Boone ’74
George Branch and Sara Branch
Ann Bruce
Betsy Brooks Bulleit ’76 and Tom Bulleit
Aris Candris ’73 and Laura Sutton Candris ’75
Doug Cardwell ’61
Judy King Cowgill ’64 and Buddy Cowgill ’65
Luther Deaton
Rose Mary Stamler Dow ’88 and Phil Dow
Bettie Lou Duff Evans ’62*
Lori Rechter Harper ’84 and Rick Harper
Roseann Hogan
Sarah Kennedy
Joan Kincaid
Clay Kirk and Garrett Kirk
Johnny Knapp and Carmen Knapp
Prakash Maggan ’97 and Sima Maggan
Sam Mitchell and Beth Mitchell
Jennifer Moore ’95
Robert Nixon ’57*
Earle O’Donnell ’71 and Cathy O’Donnell
Charlie Partin ’51
Anita Short Poorman ’51*
Britt Reynolds ’85
Carol Schilling Rosenthal ’75
Billie Jo Hall Setzer ’89 and Brett Setzer
William Stamler* and Ellen Stamler
Tim Tassie
George VanMeter ’77
John Williams ’74 and Lucy Sims Williams ’74
Ann Orme Windley ’65 and Dave Windley ’65
Brian Wood ’94
Bill Young and Barbara Young
Byron Young ’61
Christopher Young and Josefine Young
Linda Bowen Baker ’74
Mindy Gute Barfield ’85
Bill Bigelow ’73
Bill Bramblet ’73 and Judy Richmond Bramblet ’75
Randy Cooper ’77 and Nancy Cooper
Kim Siebers Cornetet ’81 and James Cornetet
Roger Dalton*
Pat Deacon and Jack Deacon
Stephen Elmore ’91
Sherry Holley ’88 and Megan Holley-Slaughter
John McClellan ’90 and Robin McClellan
David Meyer ’71 and Sara Lewis Meyer ’71
Nancy Rose Osborne ’77
Harold Rohrs ’62
Eleanor Lollis Rose ’61
Carol Ann Goff Tanner ’64
Mac Thompson ’92 and Jessica Lagrew Thompson ’94
Nancy Thompson ’59*
Jill Crouch Tucker ’90 and Lance Tucker ’91
Gene Vance ’87
Dick Waddell ’64
Greg White ’85
David Yewell ’64 and Jean Yewell
Steve Adams ’79* and Michael Adams
Meaghan Allen ’16
Paul Allen ’88 and Karen Utz Allen ’88
Janine Denton Auslander ’68
Bettye Stehle Burns ’67
Jane Turner Censer ’73 and Jack Censer
Bill Cooper ’87 and Amy Cooper
Shawna Corman ’10 and Jordan Shewmaker
Kara Little Covert ’90 and Michael Covert ’91
Tracy Davis Croley ’94 and Andy Croley
Bruce Davis ’66 and Emilie Davis
Suetta Wilson Dickinson ’65
Virginia Dodge Fielder ’70
Helen Fry
Bill Hardy ’73
Doug Hutcherson ’69 and Gayle Purple Hutcherson ’69
Keith Johnson ’88 and Peggy Johnson
Brent Little ’94
Brian Lowe ’98 and Leigh Bowen Lowe ’98
Janet McGregor ’74
Susan Walters Morris ’86 and Dean Morris
Viral Patel ’99
Beth Pitman
Dee Cox Rausch ’69
Chris Sauer ’95 and Meghan Henson
Jan Schoonmaker ’68
Dave Shannon and Christine Shannon
Bob Stauffer ’62
Jeff Truitt ’92 and Suzanne Truitt
Jenny Veal
Matthew Vetter ’09 and Monica Hagan Vetter ’09
Falguni Amin-Zimmerman ’96 and Jason Zimmerman ’97
Diane Lovell Avare ’83 and Rick Avare ’83
Andy Stone Bales ’64 and Mike Bales
Martha Turner Billips ’78
Brian Blair and Catherine Blair
Richard Buchbinder ’67
Ron Cella ’61
Joy Cogan ’83
Wandaleen Poynter Cole ’67
John Cranfill
Sara Beldon Curtis ’68 and Marty Curtis ’70
Mark Denton ’73
Ana Ruzic Do ’00
Steve Dobler ’82 and Annette Dobler
Bob Drinkwater ’72 and Pat Daugherty Drinkwater ’72
Mary Bruno Engola ’02 and Paul Engola
Mildred Finch ’70
Nathan Floyd ’95
The Forand Family
Jim Frazier ’76
Carl Frazier-Sparks ’04
Bill Gardner ’65 and Steph McGann Gardner ’66
Marlene Gartner Gartner ’85
Jill Harris ’77
Jo Ellen Hayden ’69
Joyce Hays
Carolyn Hilterbran Henry ’73 and Steve Henry ’73
Woody Hitt ’61 and Missy Hitt
Alison Hurley
Sheila Jaynes ’79
Mark Jones ’72
Sawsan Jreisat ’93
Meredith Wallace Klapheke ’03
Melony Lane ’90
Brien Lewis and Laura Lewis
T. Tommy Littlepage ’96
Larry Lynch and Linda Lynch
Shawn Lyons
David McNair ’98 and Lisa McNair
Cricket Shover Meehan ’98 and Mike Meehan ’98
Jeff Menkes ’74
Steve Merriman ’67
Jannie Hargett Nallinger ’74
Dick Nichols ’64
Beth Johnson ’94 and Joel Northwall
Bhavisha Patel
Fred Peters ’77
Andrea Perry Quigley ’01 and Sean Quigley ’01
Bill Schmied ’70
Carrie Reed Shufflebarger ’96 and Eric Shufflebarger ’97
Scott Shultz ’96
Alice Dixon Simpson ’77
Angie Moore Smith ’90
Jane McGee Smith ’74
Joseph Spalding and Karen Spalding
Timothy Spaulding
Jack Stapleton ’74
Lorrie McIntosh Terrell ’72
Becky Thomas
Kelly Hoskins Tyler ’99
Billy Van Pelt ’87
Marty Voiers ’73
Frances Wilson and John Wilson
Jason Yewell ’92 and Mary Kaye Gernert Yewell ’93
Ed Zuroweste ’71
Richard Ach
Charlie Baird ’72 and Kitty Baird
Jeanna Beltsos and Paul Beltsos
Mike Bernardi ’02 and Jean-Anne Jensen ’02
Claria Horn Boom ’91 and Denny Boom
Lynn Swetnam Boone ’69
Paul Brandow and Ann Boyd Brandow ’68
Jane Moore Bruno ’71
Rusty Cavendish ’77
John Dorsey ’73
Camille Elebash-Hill ’73
Pat Elliott ’68
Jessie Lackey Fennell ’66
Mike Finley ’90 and Christina Scott ’90
Chanslor Gallenstein ’16
John Gill ’73
Greg Huck and Linda Huck
David Johnson ’92 and Susie Johnson
Chris Kirkwood-Watts ’95 and Jeannie Simpson ’94
Nathan Lee ’97
Derrick Littlejohn and Marsha Littlejohn
Lynn Luallen ’64 and Crit Luallen
Lowell McCauley ’78 and Barbara McCauley
Gina Gevedon McDaniel ’83 and Tom McDaniel ’83
Bill McDonald ’67 and Julie Davis McDonald ’70
Justin McElfresh and Carrie McElfresh
Charles Mitchell and Sydney Mitchell
Kenny Nusbacher ’93 and Laurie Nusbacher
Phil Points ’57 and Loris Points
Missy Rawlings ’87
Vicki Osborne Ray ’71
Matthew Roth ’04 and Erin Jones Roth ’05
Penney Sanders ’67
Cathy Cravens Snell ’74 and Kenney Snell
Clay Stinnett ’95 and Loren McBride Stinnett ’95
Lisa Blythe Stuckey ’80
Joe Thomson ’66 and JoAnn Thomson
Richard Vonnegut ’73
Tom Watson ’61 and Dot Couch Watson ’62
Alice Shephard Wells ’69
Hannah Rhee Wiedemann ’03
Elaine Galloway Adams ’58
Gary Alexander ’68
Bobbye Gayle Bryant Amato ’58 and Jim Amato ’58
Aaron Anderkin ’07 and Lauren Oberst Anderkin ’07
Russ Anderson ’83
Bill Bach ’71
Betsey Pigg Bachert ’08 and Dave Bachert ’09
Angela Ball and James Ball
Vince Barber ’82 and Sandy Barber
Larry Barnes
Kim Ward Barrie ’83
Everett Bass ’72 and Harriet Bass
Jay Baughman ’85 and Kim Cowgill Baughman ’88
Anthany Beatty and Eunice Beatty
Quentin Becker ’16
Brenda Bell ’67
Todd Berger ’87 and Mary Charlotte Berger
Phil Blandford
Kim Noss Blankenship ’81 and Mark Blankenship ’81
Andrew Blood ’76
Karen Miller Blumenschein ’83
Mark Bond ’89 and Carol Bond
Karen Borneman ’75
Kim Bruce ’68
Tom Burchett ’75
Jim Burton ’02
Mike Calhoun and Sharon Calhoun
Ballard Cassady ’74 and Marcia Cassady
Todd Clark ’90 and Maria Clark
Kevin Clemmons ’82
Adam Cole ’06 and Ellen Sutton Cole ’07
Korey Colyer ’10 and April Corman Colyer ’12
Rhyan Conyers
Dewey Cornell ’78
Mary Blanton Cotton
Ellen Haggard Cunningham ’73
Leigh Ann Jordan Davis ’94 and Brian Davis ’96
Jennifer Mackey Degler ’87
Tom DeMartini ’65 and Jane Wiesel DeMartini ’67
Shirley Waits Dezarn ’73
Tyler Dobbs ’22
Julie Em Dodd ’72
Carey Lee Dodds ’93 and Jim Dodds ’94
Brent Donovan ’92
Scottye Sanders Eakin ’71
Jennifer Echsner ’87
Karen Crank Ellis ’71
Colene Elridge ’05
Bobby England
Danielle Evans-Clan ’17
Neil Farris ’70
Ben Federici
Shelly Ferrell ’01 and Elizabeth Stafford Ferrell ’03
Will Foley ’94
Tyler French ’75
Juli Fulks
John Gaines ’87 and Lisa Behle Gaines ’87
Ben Gallenstein ’22
Frances Gaver
Zack Getsee
Terry Gevedon ’79
Ann Rosenstein-Giles ’75 and Bill Giles
Charisse L. Gillett
Kaitlin Glass
Tom Grumbles ’74
Alan Guthrie ’74
Ann Spradling Hake ’58
Vaughn Hall ’23
Marion Hambrick ’95
Don Hannon ’73 and Ann Brown Hannon ’74
Erin Harney and Kyle Harney
Christy Cowgill Harris ’93 and Mike Harris
Will Harris ’86
Morrissa Hayes
Marta Stone Hayne ’76
Barry Hickey and Billie Hickey
Will Hickey ’22
Beth Rice Hilliard ’81
Carolyn Holmes
Shannon Moreman Holt ’95 and John Holt
Greg Hood and Katrina Hood
Erica Horn ’83
B.I. Houston ’74
Lee Irwin
Jennie Scruggs Johnson ’92 and Andy Johnson
Alan Justice ’84
Chris Kellen ’91
Dawn Smith Kelsey ’90
Stephanie Sallee Knueppel ’01
Scott Kreutzer ’93
Alex Krislov ’75
John Kromer ’08
John Kuchenbrod ’92 and Lynn Kuchenbrod
Don Lane and Monna Lane
Don Lawson ’81
Reece Little ’62 and Sandy Johnson Little ’62
Mike Lynd ’97
Angela Madjor Vann ’94 and Christian Madjor
Rich Mains ’95 and Betsy Campbell
Gopal Majmundar and Mina Majmundar
Mamata Majmundar ’95
Laura Mancuso
Josh Markham ’97
Bruce Marshall
Julia Martin
Taylor Martin
Tisa Johnson Mason ’83
Marc Mathews ’80 and Gwen Williamson Mathews ’88
April Sample Matiasek ’01
Travis Maupin
Jim McClure and Paula McClure
Joel McGill ’65 and Sarah Dean McGill ’66
Diana Brown McKenzie ’95
Richard Medley ’88 and Jenny Hall Medley ’89
Dustin Meek ’88 and Marc Murphy
Melissa Stump Meier ’94
James Miller and Betty Miller
Jacob Miller ’21
Peggy Gordon Miller ’59
Matt Milliner ’03
Greg Milward ’73
Megan Moloney and Keith Rossmiller
Tom Money ’55 and Sarah Money
Vince Mongiardo ’89 and Natasa Pajic Mongiardo ’96
Elizabeth Montgomery and Guy Montgomery
Larry Moore ’74
Michael Moore ’76
Tom Moore
Robert Mucci ’81
Kelly Myers
Nicho Nelson ’86 and Vonda Nelson
Betsy Newman ’06
Charlie Newquist ’75
John Oberst ’81
Billy Oehmig ’71 and Alice Oehmig
Harriett McDowell Pope ’70
Kitty Portwood ’73
Julia Poynter
Paul Preston ’79
Bill Prewitt ’68
Rebecca Ramsey
John Ransdell ’71
Angela Ray ’86
Janet Redford
Ana Reyes ’96
Denise Rhodes
Laura Rice ’00
Pat Hocker Riddle ’72 and Bill Riddle
Kathy Morris Riester ’67 and Bob Riester ’68
Betsy Roese ’77
Mitzi Root and Tim Root
Martha Rush
Josh Santana ’70 and Lee McCullough-Santana ’77
Bill Schiphorst ’57 and Bicky Barriger Schiphorst ’59
Patsy Scruggs
Sam Sedita
Holly Sheilley and Tammie Isenberg
Monica Majmundar Sheth ’02
Tom Shevlin ’68 and Linda Franz Shevlin ’71
Nasir Siddiqi and Shazia Anjum
Michael Sloane ’89
Bob Smedley ’86 and Angel Smedley
Mary Lee Chance Smith ’92
John Snell ’70
Ernie Stamper ’67 and Georgia Green Stamper ’67
Shannan Stamper ’94
Jack Stevenson ’20
Richard Stone ’74
Landen Summay ’87 and Pam Green ’88
Kathy Susman
Kim Sweazy
Ryan Taylor ’00
Summer Taylor ’21
Becky Sandbach Terry ’76
Shelby Thacker and Veronica Dean-Thacker
Kirk Tolle ’82
Collin Trover ’10 and Liza Smith Trover ’10
Amanda Meneghetti Turcotte ’09 and Greg Turcotte ’09
Ann Updegraff Spleth ’71
Linda Carol VanMeter
Sonny Voyles ’63 and Kaye Voyles
Shelia Walker
Wade Wampler ’58
Carolyn Collier Ware ’61
Susan Ware ’84
Katie Daugherty Watts ’71
Lew Weinstein ’62
Byars Wells ’01
Todd Wetzel ’00
Tiffany Wheeler ’90
Betty Nodler Whitaker ’61
Shane White ’98
Michele Manning Whittington ’83
Pam Simpson Woodford ’68 and Catesby Woodford ’69
Pam Nix Worobec ’69 and Bill Worobec
Anne Hutcherson Wray ’97
April Young ’07
* Denotes deceased