Near and Far

October 26 – November 30, 2020

“Near and Far” is an exhibition of fine art prints created for an international print exchange hosted by Morlan Gallery. Print-based artists were asked to create works centered around the theme of: “How do we sustain ourselves and others emotionally and physically?” In the past several months, it has become increasingly important to understand our needs and seek to connect with and support each other. “Near and Far” showcases prints from a variety of printmaking media related to ideas such as home, isolation, place, play, monotony, longing, racial justice, vulnerability, distance, new and old habits, meditation, reading, gardening, safety, mental health, screentime, the collective unconscious, community, change, progress, separation, technology, and loved ones.

Lexington in the Time of Covid-19

Lexington in the Time of COVID-19 is an ongoing project of uncertain length by social practice artists Kurt Gohde and Kremena Todorova. In essence, Kurt and Kremena document the ways members of the Lexington, KY community are enduring and sustaining themselves and others during the quarantine, while observing the governor-directed social distancing measures of the COVID era.  On March 16, 2020, Kurt and Kremena began photographing individuals, couples, and families outside of their homes, always from a safe social distance. During their visits, the collaborative artists spend time talking with the people they photograph, writing down notes to better understand and share our lived experience with distancing. These notes become stories that are shared on Facebook; they are the source of the text paired with each image in this exhibition. As presented by Morlan Gallery, Lexington in the Time of COVID-19 is a selection of images from Kurt and Kremena’s larger project which will be ongoing until we are no longer asked to socially distance and have put an end to the spread of the virus.


September 8 – October 9, 2020

The word “factitious” means artificial or manufactured – made by human beings, often in imitation of something natural and often made up for a particular occasion. Artists in this exhibition are pushing on and engaging with truth, fiction, facts, narrative, and source material from a variety of perspectives. Exploring the idea of what makes this moment so particularly relevant in terms of separating fact for the fictitious. These works allow us to reconsider, recontextualize, and analyze the world around us in new, unique and interesting ways.

Virtual Exhibition Programing 

(Image by Micheal Jacobs)