You are being asked to read the following material to ensure that you are informed of the nature of this research study and how your dog will participate in it should you consent to do so. Signing this form will indicate that you have been so informed and that you give consent. We require that you provide written informed consent prior to your dog’s participation so that you know the nature and risks of participation, and so that you can decide to participate or not in a free and informed manner.
Purpose: We are inviting your dog to participate in a research project investigating canine cognition and understanding. The purpose of this study is to better understand how animals think about the world. Procedure: Your dog will enter a testing room and once settled will be presented with some events to watch, toys to interact with, or a computer touchscreen to use, and we will record your dog’s responses. This will take up to 60 minutes, and will be videotaped. The videotapes will be used only for scientific purposes.
Risk, Stress, and Discomfort: There are no known risks to your dog for participating in this study. If you would like us to stop at any time, just tell the researcher. Our study is designed to be fun, interesting, and not scary for the dogs, but if your dog becomes fussy (i.e., whines, stays close to the door, declines to participate, etc), we will take a short 5-10 minute break and try again. We will end the experiment if your dog continues to be unhappy about participating on the second try.
Benefits and Other Information: Please feel free to ask any questions before or after the experiment. We are concerned with general dog cognition, not the intelligence of any one particular dog, and thus your dog’s identity will remain confidential.
Owner’s Statement: In giving my consent by signing this form, I agree that the methods, inconveniences, risks, and benefits have been explained to me and that my questions have been answered. I understand that I may ask questions at any time and that I am free to withdraw my dog from the project at any time without causing bad feelings. I understand that access to this consent form will be restricted to the Canine Cognition Laboratory staff and authorized representatives of the Transylvania University Psychology Program.