Four Year Plan for Success

Goals:1) Self-discovery
2) Explore the curriculum
1) Choose academic major
2) Investigate the world of work
1) Confirm career choice through practice
2) Acquire an internship or research experience
1) Understand and articulate how the liberal arts contributes to your professional goal
2) Develop networking skills and strategies
3) Submit applications for career or graduate and professional school opportunities
Actions1) Take Career Assessments to help you define interests, values, personality, skills, and beliefs (It’s free here!)
2) Meet with Career Advisor to discuss ideas, questions, and assessment results
3) Explore the curriculum; sample General Education options
4) Engage in campus activities, including clubs, athletics, the arts, and community service
5) Work with Career Development to draft a professional résumé
6) Participate in 100 Doors to Success mentoring program (contact Tracy Dunn at (859) 233-8148 or
7) Let us help you plan ahead for relevant, part‑time summer jobs.
1) Meet with Academic Advisor to discusscourses and potential major
2) Meet with Career Advisor to consider connections between self and major
3) Declare an academic major
4) Utilize assessment results to determine careers of interest for investigation
5) Continue mentoring relationship
6) Develop a LinkedIn profile
7) Seek out a shadowing experience
8) Apply for relevant summer jobs and/or research opportunities
1) Narrow career options
2) Refine résumé to reflect professional focus and experience
3) Research state and national organizations and associations and explore Student Affiliate status
4) Develop effective job search strategies
5) Take part in a practice interview with Career Development
6) Research in-depth graduate/ professional school requirements
7) Investigate career-focused internships and research opportunities
8) Learn best methods for gathering information about professions and employers
1) Research specific job sites and graduate schools
2) Attend career and grad school fairs
3) Utilize LinkedIn, and Alumni and community networks to expand employment opportunities
4) Tailor résumé to specific jobs or graduate programs
5) Develop cover letter and personal statement writing skills
6) Complete applications for relevant opportunities
7) Understand salary and benefit packages in job offers