The Campus Center offers free banner spaces to Transy Student Orgs, Staff, and Faculty. The purpose of these banner spaces is to promote events or programs at Transy.
- Only registered student organizations and University departments are permitted to hang banners
- Banner space may only be used if the events or program has been approved in AdAstra or by the Student Life Office.
- Banner space must be requested and approved by the Campus Center prior to hanging the banner.
- Banners must be dropped off at Campus Center Suite 128 (the Campus Center Director’s Office) throughout the week.
- The Campus Center has the right to deny banner space if the banner is deemed to be in conflict with the mission and values of Transylvania University. The final determination will be made by the Director of the Campus Center and/or designee.
- The requesting organization is responsible for making the banner. All materials for the banners can be found in the Student Engagement Suite.
- Banners must list sponsoring organization, time, date, name, and place of the event.
- Any exceptions to this policy will be made by the Director of the Campus Center and/or their designee.
Locations of Banner Areas