Bingham Center for Teaching Excellence

The Bingham Center for Teaching Excellence’s mission is to provide faculty with support for developing as teachers and teacher-researchers by providing professional development, funding and scholarship opportunities. 

The center was established in the fall of 2023 with funding from the Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching. 

The Bingham Center will leverage instructional expertise and increase high-quality professional development opportunities for faculty to shape a campus culture of teaching excellence. This level of top-tier professional development is good not only for individual faculty and their morale, creativity, knowledge and growth, but also for students and their success.

Rebecca Thomas, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the university

The Digital Liberal Arts Initiative 

The Digital Liberal Arts Initiative is the technology-facing side of the BCTE. The DLA was formed with funding from the Bingham Fund in 2017. Its mission is to help faculty integrate technology into teaching and curriculum at Transy. In addition to offering programming and maintaining campus spaces devoted to pedagogy-related technology, the DLA provides faculty funding for research, creative projects and innovative, technologically-driven projects in and outside of the classroom. 

Our vision 

The Bingham Center will serve as an integral site for: 

  • Fostering a campus culture of evidence-based excellence in teaching and learning.
  • Championing inclusive and innovative pedagogy suited to the aims of liberal education.
  • Promoting authentic, holistic growth of both the institution and its faculty members.

Our mission

In the service of promoting the goals and values of liberal education, and in collaboration with campus partners, the Bingham Center will foster both faculty and organizational development, thereby enriching student learning. The center will accomplish its mission by: 

  • Providing evidence-based, inclusive, reflective and collaborative opportunities for faculty development, particularly around teaching.
  • Participating in organizational development related to the educational mission of the university, as experts in scholarly research on teaching and learning.