Academic Coaches

Meet the coaches

Angie Morton

  • Accessibilities Coaching Specialist

Being a former teacher and reading interventionist, Angie focuses on coaching neurodivergent students.

Erin Truong

  • Career Advisor

In both her role with CAPE and as an academic coach, Erin assists students in finding academic and career matches with students’ interests.

Krissalyn Love

  • Diversity and Inclusion Liason

In addition to overseeing various DEI student groups, Krissalyn coaches underrepresented students.

Jillian Shaw

  • ACE Evening Supervisor

When not managing evening tutoring, Jillian coaches First-Years and overcoming perfectionism.

Laura Scroggins

  • Director of the ACE

After teaching English with the Peace Corps, Laura coaches English language learners with other academic skills.

Lindsay King

  • ACE Administrative Assistant

As a former collegiate athlete and athletic coach, Lindsay focuses her coaching with student athletes.