Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchy in which each level builds on the foundation that precedes it so you can apply knowledge in an increasingly sophisticated and useful way.
The levels from base to top of Bloom’s Taxonomy are:
Remembering: Verbatim definitions and formulas
Understanding: Can paraphrase or summarize information
Applying: Uses information to solve novel problems
Analyzing: Take any concept and break into components
Evaluating: Look at other proposals or models and determine their effectiveness
Creating: Propose your own solution or model
The following is an example of Bloom’s Taxonomy applied to the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Remembering: List the items used by Goldilocks
Understanding: Explain why Goldilocks preferred Baby Bear’s chair
Applying: Demonstrate what Goldilocks would use if she came to your house
Analyzing: Compare to reality. What events would or would not occur?
Evaluating: Judge whether Goldilocks was good or bad. Defend your opinion.
Creating: Write the story of Goldilocks and the Three ____. How would it differ from the original?