Transy Tutoring

Peer Tutoring in the ACE

Transy Tutoring and Embedded Learning Forums are a free service for all Transy students.

We offer peer to peer academic support in more than 15 disciplines.

Our tutors have taken the same classes as you and are available to share their learning strategies, study habits and other tips for staying successful throughout your Transy career.

We strive to create a comfortable environment where students are free to ask any question in group or individual tutoring sessions while in person or online.

Whether you have specific questions or are looking for a community of learners to join, we are here for you!

How to use Transy Tutoring

Tutoring works best if you come early and often!

Drop-in and Appointment tutoring will be offered Tuesday, January 21stThursday, April 10th.

We will be closed for Spring Break (Sunday, March 9th – Sunday, March 16th and reopen on Monday, March 17th).

Drop-in Tutoring is offered Sunday-Thursday from 7-9 p.m. There is no need to sign up in advance!

Tutoring Appointments are offered throughout the week by request.

Email with any questions!

We are interested in your feedback!