
First Year
Fall TermWinter Term May Term
SOC 1004 Intro to SociologyORANTH 1024 Cultural Anthropology* (if not taken yet) ORSociology Elective OR 
ANTH 1024 Cultural Anthropology*SOC 1004 Intro to Sociology* (if not taken yet)General Elective 

Sophomore Year
Fall TermWinter Term May Term
ANTH 1054 Intro to ArchaeologyAnthropology Elective ORAnthropology Elective
SOC 3224 Research Methods*Sociology Elective 

Junior Year
Fall TermWinter Term May Term
ANTH 1054 Intro to Archaeology (if not yet taken yet)ANTH 2204 Area Study (if not yet taken yet) ORSociology Elective
SOC 3224 Research Methods* (if not yet taken yet)Area Study Course 
Social Institutions CourseSOC 3104 Sociology Theory* AND 
 Sociology Elective 

Senior Year
Fall TermWinter Term May Term
ANTH 4444 Senior SeminarORSOC 3104 Sociology Theory* (if not yet taken) ANDSociology Elective
SOC 4444 Senior Seminar* (consult with advisor)3000-level Anthropology Elective (if not yet taken)Anthropology Elective
3000-level Anthropology Elective*    

*Required Major Courses
SOC/ANTH majors are required to take one course in Social Institutions (SOC 2_14 or 3_14), in addition to the other courses required for the major.
GE’s recommended for students interested in archaeology as a profession include a foreign language, MATH 1144 StatisticsBIO 1164 Biology and Human ConcernsART 1024 Intro to Visual ArtCHEM 1004 Chemistry in Society
PHIL 1154 Practical Logic is recommended as a GE for all SOC/ANTH majors.