English Major Course Sequence

First Year

Fall Term

At least 1 of the following:

  • ENG 1074 Perspectives on Lit (or)
  • ENG 1124 Intro to Dramatic Lit (or)
  • ENG 1134 Intro to Poetry (or)
  • ENG 1144 Intro to Fiction (or)

May Term

  • Optional: Any other ENG course at the 2000-level

Second Year

Fall Term

Any available 2000-level course, with at least one drawn from:

  • ENG 2474 Survey of British Literature* (or)
  • ENG 2124 Intro to African Fiction
  • ENG 2134 American Writing of Nature
  • ENG 2144 Women’s Literature
  • ENG 2154 American Women Writers and Ethnicity
  • ENG 2164 Twentieth-Century African American Literature
  • ENG 2174 Popular Fiction
  • ENG 2184 Literature of the American South
  • ENG 2344 Culture of Nature
  • ENG 2374 Postmodern Literature
  • ENG 2484 Survey of British Literature II
  • ENG 2534 Detective Fiction
  • ENG 2714 Jane Austen and Film

(preferably Fall; if not, then Winter)

May Term

  • Optional: Any other ENG course at the 2000-level

Third Year

Fall Term

See the note below for advice on courses to be taken in the Junior and Senior years**

Winter Term

See the note below for advice on courses to be taken in the Junior and Senior years**

May Term

  • Optional: Any other ENG course at the 2000-level

Fourth Year

Fall Term

  • paste

Winter Term

  • ENG 4504 Capstone Seminar

May Term

  • Optional: Any other ENG course at the 2000-level

*For students wishing to develop an overview of literature from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, it is strongly recommended that students satisfy the above major pattern by including the following cluster: ENG 2474 Survey of British Literature I, to be taken in the sophomore year, and at least two 3000-level period courses from the Pre-Eighteenth Century list.

**This course is offered only in the Winter term and must be taken in a student’s Sophomore year. As prerequisite to upper-level courses, it provides the training for the courses taken in Junior and Senior years.

***During Junior and Senior years, students will take six 3000-level period courses, according to the categories set out in the catalog. Students who major in English and minor in education (for secondary certification) will substitute EDU 4514 Senior Seminar for ENG 4504 Capstone Seminar.

Important: All students wishing to pursue the Secondary Education minor that leads to certification for 8-12 teaching in the discipline of English should meet with an education faculty member as soon as possible for advice on course selections and to review eligibility criteria for entry into the Education program.