Art History

The art history degree at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, brings a distinctive intellectual slant to the art program by teaching art history majors to think analytically in a visual way.

From their first year at Transylvania, students have intensive guidance and training for doing research. We try really hard to teach them our research methods—methods that are applicable to all fields, not just art history.

Wei Lin, associate professor of art history

The program is also interdisciplinary—in addition to art history courses that cover areas such as ancient, gothic, Renaissance, modern and Asian art, the major may encompass courses from anthropology, history or philosophy. This approach to the study of art history looks at how artists are shaped by historical, political, social and intellectual conditions. The artist is seen as a part of this whole, rather than separate from it.

Transylvania students learn in a global classroom. Study abroad offers travel opportunities for an academic year, a term, a summer or May term. Trips to such cities as Paris, Florence, Rome and London give students access to the art and architecture they study, as well as first-hand experiences they can bring back to campus for further examination. Kenan Grants have funded student research and creative work all over the world, including England, France and Germany.

Internships our Students Have Completed

Artistic coordinator, PRHBTN Street Art Festival
Museum education, University of Kentucky Art Museum
Museum curatorship, University of Kentucky Art Museum
Historic preservation, Bluegrass Trust for Historic Preservation
Historic properties, Henry Clay Estate at Ashland
Special exhibitions, Indianapolis Museum of Art

Where Our Graduates Have Studied

George Washington University
Royal Academy of London
Stony Brook University
SUNY Buffalo
University of Edinburgh
University of Oregon School of Architecture
University of West Virginia

Courses of Special Interest

Arts of Anime
Buddhist Art of Asia
History of Architecture: Classic to Contemporary
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art
Women in Art
Socially Engaged Art Practices

Possible Career Options

Art conservationist
Arts administrator
City planner
Gallery owner
Graphic designer
Historic preservationist
Interior designer
Museum curator
Social worker
University professor

Semester Study Abroad Opportunities

Australia I
Australia II
Czech Republic
England I
England II
France II
New Zealand

These GlobalTransy programs have at least two courses related to the major.

Interested in studying abroad for a summer? Take a look at our summer study abroad opportunities.


Emily Goodman 
Associate Professor of Art History;
Program Director

Transylvania University
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508-1797

Phone: 859-233-8115

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