International Baccalaureate

IB Credits

Transylvania accepts scores of a 5 or above on the “Higher Level” IB exams and 6 or above on “Standard Level” IB exams.

Recently awarded International Baccalaureate credits:

IB Higher Level TestTransylvania Course #Transylvania Course TitleGeneral Ed. RequirementUnits
Art-Visual ArtART-1024Introduction to Visual ArtApproaches to Learning: Fine Arts1.0
BiologyBIO-1164Biology and Human ConcernsApproaches to Learning: Natural Science1.0
Business & ManagementBA-1044Introduction to Business AdministrationN/A1.0
ChemistryCHEM-1055Principles of Chemistry IApproaches to Learning: Natural Science1.0
Chinese Language A1CHI-1014Chinese IIIFoundations: Foreign Language1.0
Design TechnologyGE-1004General ElectiveN/A1.0
EconomicsECON-1004Introduction to EconomicsApproaches to Learning: Social Science1.0
EnglishGE-1004General ElectiveN/A1.0
French Language A1 or BFREN-1034French IIIFoundations: Foreign Language1.0
GeographyGE-1004General ElectiveN/A1.0
German Language BGER-1034German IIIFoundations: Foreign Language1.0
History-AmericasHIST-1164United States from 1865Approaches to Learning: Social Science1.0
History-Asia/OCEGE-1004General ElectiveN/A1.0
History-EuropeanHIST-1024Western Civilization IIWestern Cultural Traditions1.0
History-WorldGE-1004General ElectiveN/A1.0
Instructional TechnologyGE-1004General ElectiveN/A1.0
PhilosophyPHIL-1024Introduction to PhilosophyApproaches to Learning: Humanities1.0
PhysicsPHYS-1014Conceptual PhysicsApproaches to Learning: Natural Science1.0
PsychologyPSY-1004General PsychologyApproaches to Learning: Social Science1.0
Spanish Language A1 or BSPAN-1034Spanish IIIFoundations: Foreign Language1.0
Students who complete the International Baccalaureate diploma with a score of 30 or above will be granted one unit of course credit.