Digital Arts and Media

The digital arts and media degree program from Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, is an interdisciplinary major that explores digital artistic practice and media production in the 21st century. You will develop your ability to produce and evaluate multimedia works from a variety of perspectives, with a focus on technique and aesthetics.

The program pulls in courses from several disciplines—including art, music technology, rhetoric, photography, film and computer science—to give you a broad base while allowing you to pursue your own interests as you discover your own interests within the field.

Transylvania has all the latest tools you’ll need to create cutting-edge works of digital art and media, from video and audio editing equipment to 3D printers and programming software. The Digital Art Lab is fully equipped with a music studio and computers with programs widely used in the industry. 

You will also have opportunities to present your work in a variety of ways, including the Morlan Gallery, the Studio 300 Digital Art and Music Festival, student recitals and through exhibits in and around Lexington. This is a hands-on, creative program that allows you to build your portfolio and prepare yourself for a career in digital media.

Opportunities in the Major

Studio 300 Digital Art and Music Festival
Training in professional audio and video software
3D printing
Show work in the Morlan Gallery

Courses of Special Interest

Arts of Anime
Machine Intelligence
Audio Recording Technology
Social Media, Mass Culture
Weimar and New German Cinema
Computer Graphics

Possible Career Options

Stage design
Music producer
Lighting technical director
Graphic design
Website content development
Digital photography editing
Digital artist

Semester Study Abroad Opportunities

Australia I
Australia II
Czech Republic
England I
England II
New Zealand

These GlobalTransy programs have at least two courses related to the major.

Interested in studying abroad for a summer? Take a look at our summer study abroad opportunities.


Tim Polashek,
Professor of Music

Transylvania University
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508-1797

Phone: 859-233-8254

More Information