We cand’t see everything from a brochure. You cand’t get a feel for an institution on a website. The best way to find out if college is the right place for you is to visit.

So there are several ways to visit campus. One would be the typical day visit, two and a half, three‑hour visit where youd’re doing a campus tour. You can also do an overnight visit. You will follow a student around for a day, do meals, do activities, do classes, and get to experience life as a student. We have preview day opportunities where they are general college visits. Youd’re here with a group, and youd’re hearing from different perspectives around campus. Different options, different advantages.

So I found Transy was the right school for me, kind of stepping on campus and going through a tour. I visited a lot of other campuses and just stepping on Transy, just kind of the general atmosphere amongst other things, and the tour itself really showed me that Transy was right for me.

In order to find out if Transylvaniad’s the best place for you, you must visit our campus.


Plan Your Visit

The best way to find out if Transylvania is the college for you is to experience it for yourself. We have a variety of visit options as well as special events and preview days.

  • During your visit, you’ll be able to take a tour of the campus, sit in on classes, meet with professors and coaches and eat in our dining hall.
  • Also check out our Destination Transy preview days — the ultimate visit experience, where we’ll have lots of planned events for you and your family.