Transylvania coffee shop to keep Saturday hours
Transylvania’s Gratz Perk coffee shop will continue its Saturday hours for the rest of the academic year, a move that is not only well received by students but may even help with admissions.
Transylvania’s Gratz Perk coffee shop will continue its Saturday hours for the rest of the academic year, a move that is not only well received by students but may even help with admissions.
Brien Lewis has been selected to serve as the 27th president of Transylvania University.
The Transylvania community will participate in the local Freedom March and various service projects for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is a National Day of Service.
There’s a new star on the Transylvania University men’s basketball team: a 3-foot-8-inch, 7-year-old shooting guard from Lexington, Bentley Barber.
Transylvania University will receive part of a $24 million National Science Foundation grant to help boost Kentucky’s research and manufacturing capabilities.