1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University

1780 | The Official Blog of Transylvania University

Kaitlin Wheeler ’19 gained her competitive edge at Transy

Accounting major and studio art minor Kaitlin Wheeler graduates in May, but she’s already lined up a job in the city of her choice, Nashville. Poised and prepared, Wheeler admits she didn’t realize all of the benefits of being at Transylvania until she understood just how competitive she was in the workforce—thanks to a combination of education, opportunities and real-world experience.  “Transy prepares you so much,” Wheeler explains. “Employers look at your transcript and your experience, but they also want to know that you can communicate with all kinds of people.”  Originally from Bowling Green, Kentucky, Wheeler came to Transy to play volleyball on an art scholarship, but she says she stayed for the friendships she made and the close relationships with her professors. As president of her sorority, Wheeler has been active on campus and in Lexington. Also, she’s become comfortable collaborating with people from many backgrounds. “Transy really does make you stand out,” Wheeler notes, “because you’ve done all these different things. My art minor was brought up in every interview I had.” Time management, problem solving, analytical thinking, learning how to network and thriving in an internship also played a role in Wheeler’s success as a job candidate. With the help of her academic adviser, Wheeler secured a paid internship, initially for credit, with local accounting firm, Enderle & Romans PLLC. She quickly progressed from bookkeeping to the tax work she loves.  “It’s exciting to be learning new