Distinguished Jewish history scholar to give Transylvania’s Moosnick Lecture on Nov. 20
David E. Fishman, a professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, is giving Transylvania’s Moosnick Lecture on Nov. 20.
David E. Fishman, a professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, is giving Transylvania’s Moosnick Lecture on Nov. 20.
Amanda Beckenstein Mbuvi, vice president for academic affairs at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, will give this year’s Moosnick Lecture on March 30 and 31.
Award-winning author Melissa R. Klapper will deliver this year’s Moosnick Lectureship in Judaic Studies: “Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace: American Jewish Women and First Wave Feminism.”
This year’s Moosnick Lectureship in Judaic Studies will focus on the #MeToo movement through a variety of religious lenses.
LEXINGTON, Ky.— Reuven Firestone, who is a leading national authority on Jewish-Muslim relations, will give the Moosnick Lectureship in Judaic Studies at Transylvania University on Tuesday, Nov. 15. Firestone’s talk, “How the Birth-Pangs of Religion Complicate Peacemaking Between Faith Communities,” will begin at 7 p.m. in Carrick Theater. “The selection of professor Firestone as this year’s Moosnick lecturer in Judaic Studies is particularly significant,” said Transylvania religion professor Paul Jones. “Because many of the globe’s hotspots involve religion, it is imperative that we listen and learn from an informed voice who has spent his academic life dedicated to understanding and respecting the religious other.” As part of Firestone’s visit to Lexington, he will speak on Nov. 16 at Ohavay Zion Synagogue. The topic of the 7 p.m. talk will be “Diversity of Religious Expression in Islam.” Both lectures will be free and open to the public. Firestone has received numerous fellowships and authored books including “Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Judaism for Muslims” and “An Introduction to Islam for Jews.” Born in Northern California, he was educated at Antioch College and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He received his M.A. in Hebrew literature and Rabbinic Ordination at Hebrew Union College; and he earned his Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic studies from New York University. Firestone’s campus talk and the other endowed lectures at Transylvania this academic year follow the theme of “Unlearn Fear + Hate,” a public art project by
Read “Leading Jewish-Muslim authority to speak at Transylvania University”