National leadership honor society Omicron Delta Kappa moves headquarters to Transylvania University
LEXINGTON, Ky.— The national leadership honor society Omicron Delta Kappa has moved its headquarters to the campus of Transylvania University. Founded in 1914, the ODK society recognizes and encourages superior scholarship, leadership, and exemplary character. Chapters, known as Circles, are located on over 300 college campuses, and the national headquarters serves as a resource for information related to Circle operations, national convention, alumni, and the Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation. “We’re pleased with our move to Transylvania’s campus and we look forward to establishing a solid partnership with an institution that has cherished the values of ODK since its Circle was established in 1977,” said Steve Bisese, ODK president. Transylvania President Charles L. Shearer said, “We’re delighted to have Omicron Delta Kappa on campus. ODK is a tremendous organization and our values of scholarship, leadership and exemplary character mirror theirs.” Mike Nichols, director of communications; Marc Mathews, national treasurer; and Richard Mains, national counsel, are Transylvania graduates, as is P. Gene Vance, a recent board member and current ODK foundation trustee. William Kelly, a foundation trustee, was president of Transylvania when the university’s Lampas Circle was chartered. ODK offices are located at 421 North Broadway and are open 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Arrangements can be made to visit during off-hours. For more information about ODK contact Michael R. Nichols, director of communications for Omicron Delta Kappa, at (859) 455-8870. Transylvania, founded in 1780, is the nation’s sixteenth oldest institution