$1 million gift endows Transylvania mathematics chair honoring professor
A million dollar deferred gift left by a Transylvania alumna will support an endowed chair in mathematics honoring a professor who had a big impact on her career.
1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University
A million dollar deferred gift left by a Transylvania alumna will support an endowed chair in mathematics honoring a professor who had a big impact on her career.
Making a fiscal-year-end gift to Transylvania will help educate today’s Pioneers to be tomorrow’s leaders.
Lend your support and send your congratulatory and encouraging messages to our hard-working student-athletes and coaches.
Each spring, Pioneers worldwide are called to come Together for Transy.
In just one week, the Office of Alumni and Development will hold its annual day of giving, and Pioneers across the world will be called to come Together for Transy on Tuesday, March 21.