7 Parent Mistakes to Avoid in the College Search
While many websites, guidance counselors, and college reps will tell you what you should be doing as a parent during the college search, rarely do they share with you what you shouldn’t do….until now.
While many websites, guidance counselors, and college reps will tell you what you should be doing as a parent during the college search, rarely do they share with you what you shouldn’t do….until now.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to break down complex college info into bite-sized pieces for easy comparison? Good news, there is! And, we’ll one-up you – it can all be found in your pocket.
My college decision was based mostly around cheesesticks. That may sound peculiar, and that may sound shallow. But let me explain.
EA, ED, FAFSA, FERPA….With dozens of acronyms, abbreviations, and definitions needed to make a successful transition from high school, today’s admissions process can be very overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created this handy guide to help make your transition a little easier.
Whilst doing my laundry last Thursday, I listened to a TED talk by author Malcolm Gladwell. The lecture he gave was about spaghetti sauce and, naturally, my thoughts went straight to the process of choosing a college.