Students can apply for Transylvania’s fine arts scholarships until Jan. 6
Transylvania’s fine arts scholarships range from $1,000-$3,000 and can be combined with other academic scholarship awards.
Transylvania’s fine arts scholarships range from $1,000-$3,000 and can be combined with other academic scholarship awards.
Blog from U.S. Department of Education, – The reality of college costs is that many families find themselves struggling to pay the entire college bill, despite having already filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and receiving federal, state, and institutional financial aid resources. If you find yourself in this position, here are some ideas to consider to help fill the gap between what your financial aid covers and what you owe the institution. Outside Scholarships Read: Scholarship Basics and Tips For those heading to college this fall, most scholarship decisions for the academic year have already been made. However, we recommend you begin a routine of searching and applying for scholarships regularly. You should first consider scholarships local to where you graduated from high school or live; try community, religious, and fraternal organizations. You may also consider businesses in your community or those that employ your parent(s). Then, look for scholarship resources available statewide, especially from organizations with which you may have been involved or companies in your state that are in the field for which you plan to study. National scholarships can be very competitive, but don’t let that keep you from applying. Ask your financial aid office or academic unit about institutional or departmental scholarships (decisions may have been made for this year, but ask how to make sure you don’t miss deadlines for next year!). With scholarship opportunities, it’s always important to be
Read “7 Options to Consider if You Didn’t Receive Enough Financial Aid”
Let’s do an exercise. Without considering tuition and fees, list the schools that you are most interested in applying.
There are a lot of misconceptions about NCAA Division III and how to pay for college. Do we provide athletic scholarships? Academic scholarships? Can you sign a National Letter of Intent? We have jotted down these common questions from parents and students and provided you with the in-depth answers you need to better understand Division III. “I am the BEST [insert sport here] athlete at my school/county/district/state. How can I earn an athletic scholarship to attend Transylvania University?” That’s awesome! We’re thrilled you’re interested in sporting Crimson as a Transylvania Pioneer. The good news? We have MANY scholarship offerings available, but you earn them in a different way than you might have imagined. According to NCAA Division III Bylaw 15.01.3, “A member institution shall not award financial aid to any student on the basis of athletics leadership, ability, participation or performance.” This means that as a NCAA Division III institution, Transylvania University is not allowed to provide athletic scholarships to students. So, how do you pay for college? Through your performance in the classroom and other avenues, such as financial need. Transylvania provides hundreds of thousands of dollars in merit-based scholarships every year. When combined with financial aid, it can make an education at Transy very affordable. “NCAA DIII schools aren’t allowed to give athletic scholarships, but what if I’m an exceptional athlete. If the coach really wants me they can ‘sweeten the pot’ if they want too.” NCAA Division III bylaws are