1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University

1780 | The Official Blog of Transylvania University

Transylvania senior offers advice to females considering STEM degrees

Transylvania senior Sydney Ellen Gooding, a biology major and chemistry minor, encourages other females to pursue degrees in the traditionally male-dominated subjects of science, technology, engineering and math. She said self-confidence will help them succeed in STEM fields. “You really just have to be assertive and be comfortable and confident in your own self—or you’re going to get passed by,” she said. “Believe in your own ideas as much as your male lab mates would believe in their own.” During an internship at a large research university, she worked with a lot of men in a lab and felt she had to come out and say what she wanted—not just expect to be handed something. At Transylvania labs, however, she feels like males and females are treated equally. “I’ve never felt like more opportunities were given to the male students.” Gooding’s opportunities to excel extend beyond the laboratory. She and about a dozen other Transy students this week showcased their research at the American Chemical Society meeting in Orlando, Florida. Her organic chemistry poster featured research she conducted with Professor of Chemistry Bob Rosenberg on carbon and hydrogen bonding in the presence of fluorines. The meeting included a variety of talks and demonstrations—and it was a chance to meet thousands of chemistry students from across the country—from undergraduates to postdocs. “It was neat to be in that type of environment,” she said.

Transylvania Juried Student Art Exhibition to open May 3

The artistic talents of Transylvania University students will be spotlighted in a Morlan Gallery exhibition from May 3-17. The annual Juried Student Art Exhibition, which is free and open to the public, will feature more than 100 pieces—from paintings to fiber to digital media. The show opens on Friday, May 3, with a reception from 5-7 p.m. Awards will be presented at 6 p.m. The Lexington Gallery Hop closes the exhibition on Friday, May 17, from 5-8 p.m. Art faculty and the gallery director will award prizes for creative, exceptional work in “best of” categories. Honors also include the Dean’s Purchase Award, which recognizes superior student artists by installing their works in a permanent collection on campus. Michael Cairo, interim vice president for academic affairs and dean of the university, continues the tradition this year. The Nana Lampton Prize, named in honor of the visual artist, poet, philanthropist and business leader, is given to seniors in recognition of their creative vision, strong work ethic and natural leadership. Additionally, the Abbott Scholarship will go to a rising junior or senior who has demonstrated studio and scholarly excellence. The scholarship honors the memory of Mildred and Harold Abbott, both patrons and practitioners in the visual and performing arts. Morlan Gallery, which is on the main level of Transylvania’s Mitchell Fine Arts Center, is open weekdays from noon to 5 p.m. and by special appointment. Free, nearby parking is available. For an appointment, call