As we return to campus to begin our new academic year, we are embracing our Healthy at Transy plan to keep our whole campus community safe through individual empowerment and community responsibility.
Our return to campus will require that we will all take the responsibility to protect ourselves and the rest of our community by following the Healthy at Transy plan. This includes daily symptom screenings, wearing masks on campus, physical distancing when required and following state-mandated guidelines.
All members of our Transylvania community are required to participate in daily health monitoring using the Transylvania app’s new Health Pass screening function.
Each day, users will receive a red, yellow or green pass. Anyone coming to campus — students, faculty, staff, visitors — will be required to self-screen every day before 11 a.m. To come to campus, you need a green health pass. If a student receives a red notice from the app they will be required to be tested that day and then quarantine until test results are available.
Our faculty have been empowered to determine their preference for delivery for each course they are teaching. This means that many courses will be designed as fully remote instruction, some may include optional elements of in-person instruction, but all courses will allow students to complete study remotely if they choose and connect with faculty no matter how courses are taught.
Our facilities department has undertaken significant planning to ensure our campus facilities are operating in accordance with state and CDC recommendations. Campus buildings will limit entry and exit areas and implement one-way stairways. Elevators in buildings may be limited as well. Most public gathering areas have been closed, or furniture will be limited and distanced. Multiple hand sanitizer stands will be available in all facilities. Enhanced and expanded cleaning protocols will be implemented.
Our on-campus food service partner, Bon Appétit, is preparing for big changes this fall with the opening of our new campus center and is adding new plans to incorporate safety protocols.
The dining options in the new campus center will be serving hot food options and other stations served in single-use containers. Across campus, Gratz Perk Cafe will also be open for quick pickup food and coffee. Besides mask wearing, other safety protocols for food service staff include COVID-19 training, temperature checks and frequent hand washing sanitizing.
Returning to campus this fall and protecting the health and safety of those around us is our collective responsibility. As an institution, we are committed to delivering the fullest experience possible to our students, while protecting the health and safety of our entire community. Our Transylvania family has shown remarkable nimbleness and adaptability over the past few months and we must all work together to continue to do so.
Keep up to date on the latest health updates from Transylvania on the 1780 blog.