1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University

1780 | The Official Blog of Transylvania University

Celebrate the Class of 2024: Transylvania graduates share their inspiring messages

Transylvania graduates walk past a 2024 sign.

Members of Transylvania University’s Class of 2024 are featured in an inspiring look back at the May 25 commencement ceremony, where they reflect on their college experiences and offer advice to their fellow graduates.

Six graduates share their perspectives. The students were among the 10 class members who auditioned to serve as the class commencement speaker. Collectively, their message resonates with words of perseverance, chasing opportunities and the transformative power of a Transy education.

“We have been set out on the path to achieve our dreams, and here at Transy — it is the truth,” said Will Fries ’24. “I urge everyone here to not give up on their dreams, to not give up on that special part of you.”

Kopila Rai ’24 speaks to resilience: “Let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead with courage and determination knowing that we are capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes our way.” 

The video closes with a charge to students to be an inspiration to others. “Let us be the change we wish to see in the world — the architects of a brighter tomorrow, and the champions of justice, equality and human dignity for all,” Jenna Shalah ’24 shared.

Olivia Miller, Thomas Matallana and Lily Callahan are all featured in the video as well, offering a glimpse into the experiences and aspirations of Transylvania University’s graduating class.