Transylvania University on Tuesday hosted an On the Table conversation that will have a direct impact on Lexington’s future.
More than 100 members of the Transylvania and off-campus communities showed up to the Campus Center for the CivicLex event, joining thousands of others around the city hosting similar discussions through April 16. The input will help shape the 2023 Comprehensive Plan.
“It’s a community conversation about how Lexington can grow and be a better city for its current population and anyone who’s planning to move here,” said Deidra Dennie, Transylvania’s vice president for diversity and inclusion. “It’s very much community engagement and community connection.”

Participants filled out an online survey on topics like Lexington’s economic and environmental sustainability. Then, after a discussion at their table, they considered whether the conversation changed their minds on any of the issues. That info was collected as well.
In addition to students, faculty and staff, participants included members of the local neighborhood association, legal professionals, candidates running for office and others who are interested in ensuring Lexington remains a great place to live.
“We want to make sure that the neighborhood we live in and the city of Lexington recognizes that Transy is a viable partner in the growth of the city,” Dennie said.
She pointed out how the event helped students feel more a part of their community. “This is their city just as much as anybody else’s. And they should have some voice in what happens.”
Transylvania junior Ally Frederick said her table discussed issues such as infrastructure to support biking and walking and how, for instance, transportation opportunities affect grocery store accessibility. They also talked about how to create affordable housing without necessarily introducing new development.
“It was interesting to see my peers’ and faculty members’ perspective on this and bounce ideas off each other,” Frederick said.
Transylvania has hosted On the Table previously (this one featured dinner catered by Bourbon n’ Toulouse).