Transylvania University, in partnership with the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department, is offering a community vaccine and booster clinic on Feb. 2. The clinic will offer the Pfizer vaccine and booster shots to individuals ages 12 and older, including local community members and Transylvania students, staff, faculty, alumni and family.
To schedule an appointment between 2-4 p.m., go to lfchd.org/vaccine.
“We are extremely encouraged by the vaccine rollout on Transylvania’s campus, where 97% of our campus community is fully vaccinated,” said President Brien Lewis. “But we also know that to keep our community healthy, we need to ensure everyone has access to booster shots. We’re excited to partner with the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department to provide access to our campus and the larger community.”
“Transylvania officials have worked closely with us from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said LFCHD spokesperson Kevin Hall. “They remain committed to helping its entire campus and the surrounding community. We appreciate their dedicated partnership to public health.”
The Wednesday clinic will be in the Pioneer rooms of the William T. Young Campus Center at the corner of West Fourth Street and North Broadway. Parking is available in any university-designated parking area, including those at Graham Cottage Alumni House off Broadway between Kenilworth Court and West Fifth Street and behind the Mitchell Fine Arts Center at the corner of Fourth and Upper streets.
Current public health guidelines recommend booster shots to increase protection from COVID. Individuals ages 12 and older who initially received the Pfizer vaccine series are eligible for a booster shot five months after a second dose. Those ages 18 and older who received a Moderna vaccine series are also eligible for a booster five months after their second dose. Johnson & Johnson vaccine recipients ages 18 and older can get a booster two months after their initial vaccination.