The Transylvania University Black Student Alliance and other campus groups are celebrating February’s Black History Month with a series of fun and informative events.
Kicking things off will be a showing of the movie “Moonlight” for students in the Campus Center Room 118 today starting at 6 p.m. The screening will be followed by a discussion, and food and drinks will be provided. As with all in-person events, Healthy at Transy guidelines must be followed.
On Feb. 10 at 6 p.m., BSA will throw an online Houseparty games event. Then on Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. the group in collaboration with the Student Government Association will host a Kahoot! learning game that will test participants’ Black history knowledge — and give them a chance to win prizes.
BSA Black History Month activities conclude Feb. 26 with a panel discussion and questioning with speaker Jonathan Neal ’21, BSA president, from 5-6 p.m. This will be an opportunity for students to share opinions, advice and requests for what they’d like to see from the group in the future.
Also on campus this month, university food service provider Bon Appétit will spotlight historical Black figures on Mondays and on Wednesdays prepare meals by African American chefs and serve culturally influenced food in the Great Hall. For instance, on Feb. 3 Bon Appétit celebrated the culinary career of renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson.
Additionally, the Transylvania Student Activities Board in February is spotlighting local Black-owned businesses — restaurants and bakeries in particular.
BSA officer Trize Gipson stressed the importance of the month’s events. “I live my purpose every day because of the stories my family and ancestors have told me through history,” she said. “Black History Month gives them that pedestal to also share the stories and reminders with everyone else outside of the Black community of the path created to shape and form this country as it is today. Black excellence, greatness and lives matter not only within a month but throughout our lives.”
Follow @transybsa on Instagram for links to the online events and more details.