As an unforgettable year moves toward the holiday season, we have perhaps more cause for reflection than usual. Many of us will not be able to gather as we traditionally do to celebrate and share time with family and friends. Many are grieving the loss of loved ones or concerned about those who remain at risk.
And yet there is so much for which we can be thankful. No doubt we have each experienced a moment this year when someone went out of their way to demonstrate kindness or share generously. No doubt we have enjoyed a walk in a park in a slightly different way — felt the air fill our lungs and perhaps appreciated that sensation from a new perspective. And no doubt we have each been touched and amazed by the dedication and care of first responders and unsung heroes.
I have felt each of these on the Transy campus in my first months here. I have been impressed by the resiliency, creativity and passion for student success exemplified by faculty, staff, students and alumni alike. I have felt my heart soar walking across the campus with crisp fall air and bright blue skies. And I have been moved by your expressions of support, verbal and financial, for the values and enduring mission of Transy. It is a time for thanksgiving, indeed.
May you and yours stay safe and well until we can gather on campus again.