It’s almost time to come Together For Transy in support of current and future Transylvania University students.
Thursday, March 28, will be a special day for the entire Transy community as students, alumni, friends of the university, parents, faculty and staff come together to show their school pride.
The third annual event will include exciting challenges, many opportunities to double your impact in support of student scholarships and programming, and more—including a chance to win special edition Transy socks. Stop by Alumni Plaza in the heart of campus between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for fun and surprises!
Help spread the word and follow the day’s events on social media with #TogetherForTransy.
To make a contribution, visit together.transy.edu or take advantage of our newest giving tool: text-to-give. Simply text the keyword, TOGETHER, to 859-209-3640.
Also, sign up to be a rallier to help us get the word out or share your story about why you support Transy students.
We look forward to having your participation during this year’s Together for Transy!