It’s the decision of a lifetime. If you choose to be a Pioneer, Transy opens up a world of possibilities to you…and now is the time to get your application in!
Saturday, Dec.1 is Transy’s final early action deadline. Why is that important?
Students who wish to receive priority consideration for both admission and scholarships should apply by the early action deadline.
Unlike Early Decision deadlines at other colleges, submitting your application by our Early Action deadlines is not a binding contract requiring you to enroll at Transylvania if admitted. It merely ensures that you will receive first consideration for admission and consideration for available scholarships.
Even if you apply by an Early Action Deadline, we encourage you to continue making campus visits to other colleges that are still of interest to you before you make your final decision. Your complete financial aid offers from each school may also become clearer during this period.
Transy’s Office of Admissions will notify candidates who apply Early Action of admission and scholarship decisions by the end of the year.
Dec. 1 is also the deadline for Transy’s Premier Scholarship program.
Students who wish to be considered for the Transylvania University Premier Scholarship Program must apply by Saturday, Dec. 1.
These competitive awards are based on information submitted on the application, including test scores, grades, extracurricular and community involvement, recommendations and the admissions essay.
The Office of Admissions will notify finalists for the Premier Scholarship awards of their selection by mail. Finalists will be required to complete an on-campus interview later in December or January.
Won’t have your application together by Dec. 1? No worries. Students who apply by the Feb. 1 regular decision deadline will be considered for all merit-based Transylvania scholarships except the Premier Scholarship awards.
Whether you’re ready to apply or need more info, start online at https://www.transy.edu/admission.