
A physics degree from Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, teaches students to describe nature mathematically by solving problems related to the physical world.

 A lot of our students have the upper hand once they get to graduate school because they’ve already been in the lab. At larger schools, most students wouldn’t have had a chance to do this type of research. 

Jamie Day, professor of physics

The physics major at Transylvania offers decided advantages. Our students get one-on-one attention from professors, who set up and teach the student labs. The program also offers on-site research opportunities for all of our majors.

As a physics major, you will conduct a research project as part of a senior capstone experience. Preparation for this begins in your sophomore or junior year, when you will be paired with a senior in one of our labs. You will also be encouraged to participate in a summer research project at an outside lab.

If your goal is to work in an engineering field, Transylvania offers two tracks to prepare for a career: In the 3-2 arrangement, students earn a B.A. in physics or liberal studies from Transylvania in three years and two additional years at a cooperating school of engineering to earn a B.S. in engineering. The B.A. from Transylvania is awarded upon completion of the B.S. degree.

If you prefer to stay on Transylvania’s campus all four years, you can take up to six engineering courses at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering as part of your undergraduate study and be fully prepared to enter a master’s or doctoral engineering program at the institution of your choice upon graduation. With this plan, it’s possible to complete a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in six years.

Where Our Graduates Have Worked

President and CEO, Westinghouse Electric Company
Manager, Western Electric Company
Physicist, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
Professor, Wright State University
Medical Physicist, Saint Joseph Health System

Opportunities in the Major

Society of Physics Students
Sigma Pi Sigma (national honor society)

Courses of Special Interest

Classical Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism
Measuring the Universe
Research in Physics
Special Relativity

Where Our Graduates Have Studied

Duke University
Old Dominion University
Tufts University
University of Kentucky
University of Pennsylvania
Vanderbilt University

Possible Career Options

Research Scientist

Semester Study Abroad Opportunities

Australia I
Australia II
New Zealand
South Korea

These GlobalTransy programs have at least two courses related to the major.

Interested in studying abroad for a summer? Take a look at our summer study abroad opportunities.


Jamie Day,
Professor of Physics; Program Director

Laura Ray Warren, Administrative Assistant, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Transylvania University 
300 North Broadway 
Lexington, KY 40508-1797

Phone: 859-233-8228

More Information